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A Quranic Name for Boys

How to pronounce Zakariyya

Zoom + rUn + CUp + pRay + swEEt + YArn
or Zoom + mAn + CUp + pRay + mAn + YUmmy

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Zakariyya in Arabic)زَكَرِيَّا
Quranic Nature
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Directly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of ZakariyyaZakaria Zakariaa Zakarya Zakariya Zakareeya Zakareeyaa Zachariah Zekeriyya Zekeriyyaa Zekereya Zekereyaa Zekereyya Zekereyyaa Zekeriya Zekeriyaa
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.

Meaning of Zakariyya

Zakariyya is a direct Quranic name for boys that refers to one of the prophets mentioned in the Quran. Zakariyya is mentioned seven times in the Quran and is mentioned as Zachariah in the Bible. He was the father of Prophet Yahya (John) and took care of Mary, mother of Prophet Isa/Jesus.

And thereupon her Lord accepted the girl-child (Mary) with goodly acceptance, and caused her to grow up in goodly growth, and placed her in the care of Zakariyya. Whenever Zakariyya visited her in the sanctuary, he found her provided with food. He would ask: “O Mary, whence came this unto thee?” She would answer: “It is from God; behold, God grants sustenance unto whom He wills, beyond all reckoning.” (Quran 3:37)

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 12th of May 2015 07:39:16 AM

    I like the name sakariyya
    The only way it is nicer because it is in the Quran

  2. on Tuesday 21st of July 2015 02:33:43 AM

    In Sha Allah when i have baby boy i’ ll call him Zachariah
    😉 beautifull name !!!

  3. on Saturday 15th of August 2015 01:09:42 PM

    I have had a baby boy and named him zakariyya love the name

  4. on Thursday 29th of October 2015 10:43:45 PM

    Inshallah will name my boy that. Beautiful name!

  5. on Sunday 1st of November 2015 04:43:55 PM

    What is the direct meaning of the name? I have a boy his name is zekaria .

  6. on Thursday 26th of November 2015 08:29:22 PM

    Is it allowed to use the bilblical spelling of Zachariah in Islam?

  7. on Friday 25th of March 2016 11:00:57 AM

    I live in the UK so originally thought to use the typical English spelling of this name (Zachariah/Zechariah) but I have found that the spelling Zakariya is actually more popular here at the moment. Most English ppl seem to use Zachary or just Zak (spelt various ways). Our son is Zakariya NN Zak. In our circle of Muslim friends there are two other Zaks. With our non Muslim friends and family the name is never an issue; they also like it. So glad we used it.

  8. on Saturday 15th of October 2016 06:17:34 PM

    My name is zakariya. Am I allowed to spell it “zechariah” as it looks unique.

  9. on Saturday 15th of October 2016 06:19:17 PM

    Its direct meaning is ‘God has remembered.’
    خدا نے یاد کیا

  10. on Tuesday 29th of November 2016 11:50:33 PM

    My son’s name is spelt Zakariah. A combination of the English and Arabic spelling. Everyone calls him Zak and both sides of the family can relate to the name.

  11. on Wednesday 14th of December 2016 03:10:54 PM

    My Name is Zakariyya.
    Before it was Sakkariya and I changed it recently as I like this spelling

  12. on Thursday 3rd of August 2017 08:17:30 PM

    This is my nephew’s name and he is a cheeky monkey !

  13. on Wednesday 10th of January 2018 01:19:17 PM

    whoever wrote the 7th comment is handicapped i swear down

  14. on Sunday 20th of May 2018 09:17:35 AM

    In the KJV of the Bible in the new testament there is 2 different men Zachariah and Zacharias 2 different meanings 1was interpreted as remembered by yah the other was interpreted as judgement of yah

  15. on Sunday 20th of May 2018 09:39:18 AM

    And to continue further my name is Zachary most call me Zack but in the KJV of the Bible according to Jesus Zachariah was a righteous man who the “Pharisees” or preacher that is what a Pharisees was was responsible for “slewing” I think his exact words were “from the blood of righteous able to righteous Zachariah whom ye ignorantly slew between the temple and the alter” and able was killed obviously by Cain but I’m thinking that he was mettaforicaly speaking about Zachariah s credibility to the common man cause he was of the levitical priest line and was telling the truth and that was getting into the pocket of the Pharisees cause normally in church s today the alter is in the temple and the Pharisees of today stand behind the alter and r in the temple and Jesus said that the truth is a 2 edged sword it cuts both ways as in u and me and he also said” if u teach in my name come. Bearing the joy of the coming of the kingdom of heaven and take not a farthing nor a extra jacket give all u own to the poor and take no thought to yourself for my father in heaven knows what u need before you ask and if ur son ask u for a load of bread would u give him a stone?” Alot of false teachers today just like there’s always been Good was for real when he cursed the wicked ones seed line to never grow anything of substance even seeds in people s hearts

  16. on Thursday 23rd of August 2018 02:40:01 PM

    I have a grandson whose name is Zakariya and I love the name.

  17. on Sunday 9th of September 2018 02:20:42 PM

    My name is zakariah
    I love it
    Yeah baby
    My sister is called Maryam

  18. on Saturday 10th of November 2018 02:04:33 PM

    Hi I named my 3rd son Yahyaa then Allah give me a girl we named her Maryam now I have my 5th child we named him Zakariyya.

  19. on Friday 14th of June 2019 06:17:42 AM

    My name is زَكَرِيَّا
    I am used to write – Zakaria ( Officially)
    Is there any wrong in spelling?

  20. on Friday 8th of November 2019 11:21:38 PM

    My name is Zakariyya I always use to thank God for having this name I like it

  21. on Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:29:29 PM

    My son is Zakariyya, love the name, like the meaning and connection, God has remembered. I am Christian and my husband is Muslim and was the perfect choice.

  22. on Monday 2nd of December 2019 11:56:45 AM

    My name is zakariya And I like the story of zakariya , yahaya, Isa And Mariam

  23. on Friday 5th of February 2021 08:54:04 PM

    I have 3 children i named my 3 children
    2 zaynab
    3 zayd
    May Allah guide them to straight path keep them healthy and worship Allah.

  24. on Monday 8th of May 2023 08:15:23 AM

    My name is (zakariyya) and i love it, most of all i’ts unique name! Masha Allah.

  25. on Saturday 25th of May 2024 01:48:17 PM

    I am an Israelite, Yahude, muslim by definition as the total submission i believe is in its process… By definition, Islam. Still, im not into religion if that makes sense. I named my second son “Zkariyahu” a name the SPIRIT gave to me. An Ancestoral one of course. I love him eternally, he is indeed a masterpiece… My humble pride brings me so much joy and Clarity. He is one of a kind, Yah Allah has remembered… and, kept His promise. All is secure. Selah.

  26. on Thursday 6th of February 2025 01:38:47 AM


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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With Z | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Islamic (Quranic) Boy Names Starting With Z | Muslim Boy Names - Boy Names from the Quran | Names Directly Mentioned in the Quran | Names of the Prophets
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