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Aoa, I want to know what does AIN-W-N root means? I want to name my baby girl Enayah which comes from AIN-W-N root but I want to know what does that mean? Like we all know that the name Raheema comes from Raheem, isn't there an Arabic word from which Enayah or Inayah comes?


This is an official answer by Staff

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Enayah/Inayah comes from the `Awn root, which we write as AIN-W-N to prevent mix-ups with other roots. `Awn means "help", "support", "to help", "to support", "to provide care", "to provide refuge". `Awn is root for many common Quranic words, for example in the verse 5:2: "Help each other upon dutifulness and fear of Allah, and do not help each other upon sin and transgression". The phrase "help each other" in Arabic is Ta`awanoo, which comes from `Awn.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Sunday 16th of February 2020 07:40:09 AM

    What is a right spelling of enayah or inaya…. Please help

  2. on Saturday 2nd of May 2020 07:36:16 AM

    The correct English phonetic spelling is: Inayah .

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Categories: Baby Name Question and Answer
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