What is the meaning of Lily?
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Reader Comments:
on Thursday 27th of July 2023 10:16:59 PM
Lily is a name of flower has alot of attractive and beautiful shapes and colors ..this flower is one of the most beautiful flowers on whole world ..
on Thursday 27th of July 2023 10:23:53 PM
Lily is a muslim name for girls ..and also has English origin is a name for has alot of beautiful colors and flower is one of the most beautiful flowers in the world .
on Tuesday 2nd of April 2024 11:24:00 PM
The name “Lily” is an English name of Latin origin, meaning “Lily flower” or “pure”. It has been known historically to symbolize innocence.
“Lily” is not of Arabic nor Muslim origin as far as we know. The meaning comes from the Old English “Lilie”.
However, “Lily” transliterated into Arabic, might be read as the similar-sounding Arabic name “Laila” or “Layla”.
This name come from ancient Arabic origin. “Layla” or “Laila” has two meanings in Arabic, the more modern meaning can be translated as “Night” or “Dark”. The historic meaning, with a slightly different spelling is translated as “Euphoria”.