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What is the meaning and origin of Hafsa?


This is an official answer by Staff

Hafsa is an Arabic name for girls that means "female lion cub", "little lioness". It is not a Quranic name but it is an acceptable name for Muslims since it has a good meaning. It is a popular name among Muslims because it was the name of one of the Mothers of the Believers (wives of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah upon him and his companions and family), whose full name is Hafsah bint Umar bin al-Khattab, thus she was also daughter of Umar bin al-Khattab, one of the greatest Muslim leaders in history.

Hafsa is pronounced as (HU)mble + (F)ire + (SU)mmer. It is written as حفصة in Arabic. It can also be spelled as Hafsah, Hefse, Hefsah in English.

Hafs, without the "a" sound at the end, means "lion cub" and is a non-Quranic name for boys.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Sunday 1st of November 2015 05:13:26 PM

    I love this website because it gives you a good, straight forward answer. But my question is ,the name hafsah, you gave me an answer with no h at the end I want to know the meaning with a h at the end?

  2. on Wednesday 11th of November 2015 01:12:51 AM

    So it’s a prothet wife name or kid???? Plus my name is hafsa

  3. on Saturday 21st of November 2015 01:32:00 PM

    The pronunciation of hafsa/hafsah in arabic sounds like hafsah because of the taa’ marbutah at the end of the word. So, whether it is hafsa or hafsah, the meaning is as explained above

  4. on Saturday 21st of November 2015 01:36:02 PM

    Hafsa is our beloved prophet’s wife name. You are lucky to have this lovely name!

  5. on Monday 28th of December 2015 06:26:08 AM

    let me define it for those who dont understand, Hafsa is the wife of prophet Muhammad(peace and blessings of Allah upon him). and one of the mothers of the believers and was the daughter of Umar bin al-Khattab. Hope all you guys understood.

  6. on Monday 4th of January 2016 09:07:01 PM

    thanks now i know the meaning to my name but my name is spelt Hafsah with a h at the end

  7. on Monday 11th of January 2016 07:53:45 PM

    Thanks, this is really helpful x have no idea how to make this more than 50 characters long.DONE!

  8. on Saturday 5th of March 2016 06:24:59 AM

    Actually I love my name n also because it z our prophet mohammad S.A.W ‘s wife’s name hafsa n what’s the meaning doesn’t matters to me

  9. on Monday 9th of May 2016 05:18:58 PM

    my name is Hafsapoiugjhdrdtrghjmnhkuyhghtvjknhgyhbvn m,jukhygtfyvg bhnmjlkjiuhygtfrdfcvgb njihyugtfrgcvhbjnkhuygtfrddcvgb nmjhuiygtresdxcv bnjkhuiygtfrd

  10. on Wednesday 8th of June 2016 11:02:05 PM

    my name is hafsahhffsrtujnbdsyuipoiuyqwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,srtyuytrewertyuioiufdxcvbnmnbvdrrdfghn cgyfdstygfghjnb vhgfdthv hgffytrhb hgfydhv bhr6ewetrduuggtrewertfdhghyre5trdugjhvvcftrertrrtyufhcchgxfdfxyfgfccg fgff 7dgchbvnnbvhyytyfghvbvttdgcb bvhgffdfhgggg

  11. on Wednesday 8th of June 2016 11:10:25 PM

    dodaadodaa jjzdhj,gsjahfgjhsdoodaa dooda dooodaa doodaaa doodaaa doodAAA DOODAAA DOODAA DOOODAA DOO DAA

  12. on Monday 17th of October 2016 10:19:39 PM

    I really like this because I just wanted to know my real meaning of my name thank u so much

  13. on Thursday 20th of October 2016 03:35:55 PM

    there is another meaning for this name, it is the moon.

  14. on Friday 30th of December 2016 02:47:35 PM

    i just love my name i dont know why but i do…and when people pronuonce it wrong as hifsa or hafza i just wanna kick their ass :/

  15. on Thursday 5th of January 2017 03:24:13 PM

    my name is also hafsa iam a girl i don’t understood what means of hafsa

  16. on Wednesday 11th of January 2017 06:55:09 AM

    My name also is hafsa msonga
    I like this name for sure
    Thanks for explanation

  17. on Saturday 14th of January 2017 06:11:18 PM

    I never liked my name because I think my sister name is better than mine but when I found out the real meaning I love it hafsa is the best name ever

  18. on Tuesday 17th of January 2017 04:28:22 PM

    Its a good answer fewling lucky to have my name Hafsa

  19. on Thursday 20th of July 2017 09:26:36 PM

    pls my name actually has a “t” which is hafsat, is it wrong????

  20. on Friday 8th of September 2017 12:50:16 PM

    Mine name is spell as HAFSAT. Does it correspond with the same meaning above?

  21. on Sunday 5th of November 2017 05:49:07 PM

    my name is hafsa too . some people call me haffy , hamster , funny and ha ha.

  22. on Friday 11th of May 2018 05:50:51 PM

    My name is hafsah,years ago i never like my name until when i discover the meaning of my I am proud to be call hafsah

  23. on Friday 19th of July 2019 07:16:05 PM

    waw such a wonderful name,i like my name because is also the name of beloved Prophet’s wife.

  24. on Thursday 22nd of August 2019 02:39:51 PM

    wow what a wonderful name, loving my name so much HAFSOH

  25. on Monday 18th of November 2019 06:34:37 AM

    Write your comment here…
    Proud to be called hafsa❤❤❤❤

  26. on Tuesday 25th of February 2020 02:55:17 PM

    My name is hafsai love my self

  27. on Tuesday 8th of September 2020 11:32:37 AM

    jazakAllah for the good is so helpful for we have to write more than 100 words

  28. on Monday 15th of March 2021 08:28:39 PM

    My besties name is Hafsat ❤
    And i love her so… Much ❤❤

  29. on Tuesday 14th of September 2021 07:22:30 AM

    Well hafsat is a very unic name because its my bestie’s name and love you hafsat

  30. on Tuesday 14th of September 2021 07:24:54 AM

    and a hafsat is somebody who you can trust

    a true friend and I cannot begin to tell you what a hafsat means to me But I can say I love you hafsat

  31. on Friday 1st of July 2022 09:40:51 PM

    Proudly hafsat ahmad aminu kona I really love my name

  32. on Tuesday 24th of September 2024 01:13:34 AM

    Masha’Allah grateful for the meaning en those who own the name

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