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I like Anaya and want to keep it for my daughter. But, I have seen on many websites that it's spelt with both an 'A' and 'i' ... Can you please confirm what is the right way to spell it and what meaning does it have? Does it mean the same in both spellings or different? I had read somewhere that it means 'Allah's help' and 'blessing' ... Please elaborate in detail about the right spellings and the meaning.


This is an official answer by Staff

Inayah and Anayah are two correct pronunciations of the same name. Inayah is the original word, and Anayah is a variant of it. The word means help, support, and refuge, coming from Allah especially.

Inayah is pronounced as IN(dustry)+ (f)A(mily)+YA(rd). It can also be spelled as Inaya, Inaia, Enaya, Inaiah.

Anayah is pronounced as UN(derstand) + (f)A(mily) + YA(rd). It can also be spelled as Anaya, Anaia, Anaiah.

Inayah and Anayah are not directly mentioned in the Quran, but they are derived from the AIN-W-N root which is used in many places in the Quran, for this reason they are indirect Quranic names. The root is used in Quran 1:5, 2:45 and 7:128 as examples.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 14th of April 2015 10:17:16 PM

    ya choose your own spelling my name is Anaya, its pronounced for me ( uh-nigh-ya )

  2. on Saturday 2nd of April 2016 04:21:17 PM

    Inayah is correct name. i think one more meaning of Inayah- (Inayet) yahni Ataa kardha.
    i alrady done for my daughter name she was born feb,2016.

  3. on Saturday 2nd of April 2016 04:24:47 PM

    Inayah is correct name. i think one more meaning of Inayah- (Inayet) yahni Ataa kardah.
    i alrady done for my daughter name she was born feb,2016.
    Thanks,& Regards:
    Syed Abbas Naqvi.

  4. on Wednesday 1st of June 2016 07:27:01 AM

    My daughter born on 2nd Jan this year and i named her Inayah, i think its the right spelling to pronounce this name

  5. on Friday 29th of July 2016 12:24:06 AM

    My name is Yahni.i live in nwark new mom from south carolina and father a muslim (Imam) from texas.My father gave me my birth name.i know its a true meaning.beside ..beef stew..i lik it too.a hardy meal that every country can very useful and healthy. Smile.however my Pre-historical history tells me its so much deeper.plz help me understand

  6. on Sunday 4th of December 2016 07:13:52 PM

    What is the meaning to anaya is this my 1st baby girl name plzzzz help me

  7. on Wednesday 4th of January 2017 05:57:53 AM


  8. on Sunday 15th of January 2017 05:26:21 PM

    I do not like what you put if I was a kids I would not understand I’m 21 I do not understand becues you but it in the wrong way 33 sister does not understand I will not be comeing back on this app because you are some bbbb ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaqqqqqq

  9. on Saturday 23rd of September 2017 11:09:31 AM

    Dear admin of ,, the name inaayah is cute but in some websites it’s meanings are (concerned, anxiety or sadness),,plz help me to the right meaning,if it is anxiety or else its not right for me,,do reply plz

  10. on Wednesday 4th of September 2019 12:28:20 PM

    Kindly pls agr name k meaning Urdu mein ho to zada asani hu hi

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