How to pronounce Qiraat | IraQ + MuslIm + pRay + smArt + UlTimate Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable. |
Arabic Spelling (How to write Qiraat in Arabic) | قراءة، قراءات |
Quranic Nature (Learn more...) | Indirectly Mentioned |
Alternate spellings of Qiraat | Qira'at Qira'ah Qeraat Qeiraat Kiyrat Kiyraat Kerat Keraat Keyrat Keyraat Kirat Kiraat Kyrat Qiyrat Qiyraat All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling. |
Quranic Root (Learn more...) | Q-R-HMZ All Quranic baby names derived from Q-R-HMZ: |
Meaning of Qiraat
Qiraat is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “recitation of the Quran”. It is derived from the Q-R-HAMZ (he/she read or recited) which is used in many places in the Quran, and is also the root for the word “Quran” (which literally means The Reading, The Recitation):
And We sent down the Qur’an in parts, that you may gradually recite it to the people, and We sent it down slowly in stages. (Quran 17:106)
198. Had We revealed it to one of the foreigners. 199. And he had recited it to them, they still would not have believed in it. 200. Thus We make it pass through the hearts of the guilty. 201. They will not believe in it until they witness the painful punishment. (Quran 26:198-201)
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on Thursday 6th of February 2025 12:58:42 AM