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I am looking for a boys name that sounds similar to Rayyan. Could you please suggest some. Also, I was considering Zayyan but could you give me some more information on the meaning. Jazak Allah


This is an official answer by Staff

For names that sound like Rayyan, please see the right sidebar under the "Quranic Names for Boys", you will see many names ending in -yan, many of them sound like Rayyan.

For Zayyan please see: Zayyan

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 22nd of February 2016 04:59:50 PM

    Assalamualaikum I am looking for a boys name that sounds similar to Salwan zulfan safwan, Could you please suggest some. Also, I was considering Arhan but could you give me some more information on the meaning. Jazak Allah

  2. on Thursday 14th of April 2016 07:29:53 PM

    Asalamuwalaikum…I am serching for boys names ending with an…could u plz suggest some??

  3. on Wednesday 20th of April 2016 09:39:34 PM


  4. on Friday 3rd of June 2016 03:59:35 AM

    Asalamuwalaikum…I am serching for boys names ending with an…could u plz suggest some??

  5. on Saturday 6th of May 2017 10:10:23 PM

    Assalamu alaikum..I am looking for boys name that ends with in.pls suggest name? My I’d

  6. on Tuesday 12th of September 2017 08:01:44 AM

    Please suggest me with some name than and with wan

  7. on Tuesday 12th of September 2017 08:06:20 AM

    Assalamu alaikum Please suggest me with name that ends with wan as my first 3 boy name are Rizwan Salman and rayhan and I am finding for a related name

  8. on Monday 27th of May 2019 11:15:11 AM

    salam u alikum . dear sir i am looking a boy name similar like rayan ,shayan could you suggest me please

  9. on Saturday 22nd of June 2019 09:41:53 AM

    i am looking for a name Resembles to rayyan except Ayan

  10. on Thursday 26th of September 2019 10:56:19 AM

    Keyaan. Meaning King. It’s my sons name


  11. on Saturday 16th of November 2019 05:43:44 AM

    I’m looking for my new baby boy name like subtain… Saqlain… Zain…? Please generate ney name jazak Allah

  12. on Friday 22nd of November 2019 01:10:40 PM

    Please I’m looking for girl name similar to Reyan

  13. on Tuesday 24th of December 2019 05:55:08 AM

    i want some names ….rayyan , razan, zayyan, faiza, same like last letter n

  14. on Friday 17th of April 2020 08:45:12 AM

    You can choose from
    Fawzan, faizan , zayan, sayhan

  15. on Wednesday 2nd of December 2020 08:53:28 AM

    Looking for a name ending with N for boy.
    My 3 sons, Rehan Aryan Ehsan……looking something that sounds like AN in the ending

  16. on Thursday 29th of April 2021 06:04:48 PM

    Ishaan is a good name for boys and for girl it can be ishal or ishani

  17. on Friday 25th of March 2022 03:14:20 AM

    Looking for a name ending with M for boy, Looking for a name ending with N for boy

  18. on Wednesday 14th of June 2023 03:42:17 AM

    I am looking for a perfect name similar to Safwan. Can any brother or sister help me. JazakaALLAH khairan

  19. on Sunday 30th of July 2023 07:16:50 AM

    I want name like rayyan ayan with meaning and refrence

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