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Assalam – o – Alaikum I want to name my Baby boy Shehzil. Can you please confirm the meaning and is it a Muslim name? Jazak Allah.


This is an official answer by Staff

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Shehzil can be formed from Sheh (a variant of Shah, meaning "king") and zil (Arabic for "shade"). The meaning would become "a king's shade", i.e. the care and protection provided by a king. It could also mean "the best shade", "the best place of rest", since Sheh/Shah can also be used to turn a word into its superlative form. This is not exactly an Islamic name, but Muslims can use it since it doesn't have a bad meaning. The word zil (ظل in Arabic) is a direct Quranic word.

But keep in mind that it is possible that this name comes from other sources.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 18th of May 2015 08:40:00 AM

    My name is Shehzil and I’m a girl , can this name be a name of a girl ?

  2. on Sunday 13th of March 2016 05:41:38 AM

    i like name amna very nice name you cannot found anyone who didn’t like this name

  3. on Monday 21st of November 2016 08:43:21 AM

    My name is shehzil i am a girl what is my lucky number ?

  4. on Monday 20th of February 2017 03:19:26 PM

    shazil name meaning urdu and mohed name meaning or lucky number

  5. on Thursday 12th of April 2018 03:48:43 PM

    Asalam O Alaikum, please help if shah/ sha could be used like shahzil / shazil ? Since mentioned above but please confirm that I can use shahzil as shazil ? With one less h and it’s acceptable spellings too ?

  6. on Monday 12th of October 2020 11:12:00 AM

    shehzill name is for girl. It cant be use for boy’s name

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