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I have been blessed with a baby girl, I want to name her "Mashaim", please let me know meaning of this name and its origin. I have heard that the fragrant bareez that will flow in Jannah is called "Mashaim". Please also let me know if I have spelled it right or not. Jazak Allah.


This is an official answer by Staff

I do not know of any name similar to Mashaim. The closest Arabic word is Mashaa'eem, which means "cursed people", "people who are not blessed". It is the plural of Mash'oom ("cursed", "not blessed"). Obviously this is not a good word to use as a name. But the Mashaim you are asking about might be a different word from another origin, and if it has a good meaning then you can use it.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 7th of April 2015 11:35:21 AM

    Mashaim means gift. It’s girls names to b used
    It is a beautiful name.

  2. on Sunday 20th of September 2015 08:27:35 PM

    Kindly someone give authentic answer to it please

  3. on Thursday 9th of June 2016 06:10:51 AM

    Good name my friend name also mashain very good u have a gift from god may allah make her your eyes coolnesss and bless u and her

  4. on Thursday 9th of June 2016 06:11:32 AM

    Shut up shut up sp shahfhsnvsgnsgnsngwgmdhkfmdhmdjgdgndyjejy

  5. on Monday 18th of July 2016 08:55:20 AM

    mashaim was hazrat yousaf (AS) daughters name meaning is (CHAHNY WALI) use for both male and female. . .

  6. on Monday 18th of July 2016 08:58:32 AM

    mashaim was hazrat yousaf (AS) daughters name meaning is (CHAHNY WALI) use for both male and female. . .
    mcontact me for more info

  7. on Saturday 28th of January 2017 05:50:49 AM

    Dear all , Asalam o alikum
    You all might be correct in your thinking, but my point of view is that words in different languages are having different meanings . You can not say that it is an Arabic word or Latvian word. A name is actual a voice that you spell to call a person for his attention. Only the word “Allah” is having one meaning , that is having all the qualities , remaining you can have any name to any person. If I say Mashaim means Hoor , then no authentication is there to prove it , becauz it is a voice to call a person.

  8. on Tuesday 5th of September 2017 04:45:27 AM

    Mushaim means fragrance and the name of hzrt yousfz daughter and its mean also boque of flowers

  9. on Monday 7th of May 2018 03:07:07 PM

    Sallam sis did you find the meaning and origion for the name of Mashaim?

  10. on Thursday 24th of May 2018 05:25:39 AM

    the name is
    name of hazrt yousafs daughter
    its a beautiful name
    pholon ka guldsta mtlb hai is ka or bht achi khosbo

  11. on Tuesday 7th of August 2018 10:04:31 PM

    My son name is mashaim I heard from some one it means fragnrance but because of some pages on internet have written curse ppl etc I am really upset now can somebody help

  12. on Sunday 9th of September 2018 10:41:39 PM

    My wife name is MASHAIM .it’s a good name and beautiful meaning

  13. on Wednesday 12th of December 2018 10:53:19 AM

    Mashaim is my sister name it’s a beautiful name with beautiful meaning

  14. on Monday 7th of January 2019 09:36:33 AM

    My name is mashaim and meaning is pakeeza urtoon ki mallika

  15. on Tuesday 14th of May 2019 04:19:16 AM

    Mashaim is my daughter unique name I like this of God

  16. on Sunday 16th of June 2019 09:00:03 AM

    Hi, some of people say.
    Mashaim meaning is ” The name of Khanakaba black Ghilaf ” is it right or wrong ?

  17. on Saturday 15th of February 2020 12:27:57 AM

    Please write the correct meaning of mashaim
    I m really worried about my name

  18. on Tuesday 18th of February 2020 07:38:27 PM

    asalam o alaikum plz someone tell me the correct islamic meaning of meshaim

  19. on Tuesday 18th of February 2020 07:45:06 PM

    as my parents wanna change my name mashaim i really like my name cuz it has became my identification im about 19 year old now its difficult for me to change my name kindly someone tell me the correct islamic meaning of it as it has been proved that name has 100 percent effect on once’s life

  20. on Saturday 20th of November 2021 04:33:45 PM

    Mashaim meaning fragrance of jannat it is used for girls and mashaim was not the daughter of hazrat yousaf . Hazrat yousaf daughter name was minsa

  21. on Tuesday 14th of December 2021 03:19:55 PM

    my name is meeshaim is ka matlb b kia cursed 1 ha kia mai ny check kiya google py … ab mery liye masla ban raha bcz im 17 or ab mujy hr jaga sy name change karana parhy ga ples koi mujy bata de k kiya ye sahi ha?

  22. on Thursday 18th of August 2022 04:46:58 AM

    Plz tell me the meaning of name Nalain Fatima Allah bless me a baby girl l like this name but l could not find the exact meaning of nalain Fatima plz give me a exact meaning

  23. on Saturday 29th of October 2022 05:35:07 PM

    My name is Mushayam. I am very happy to know this meaning. Its meaning is fragrance

  24. on Tuesday 31st of October 2023 03:13:38 PM

    Meshaim was the name of one of Hazrat Yousaf’s ( A.S) daughter. It is written in ( bahishti zewar) jild # 8 page #74. It’s right pronunciation is (Mesha’im)

  25. on Tuesday 31st of October 2023 03:18:08 PM

    Meshaim is the name of Hazrat Yousaf’s (A.S) daughter. It is mentioned in the book( bahishti zewar) jild #8 , page 74. It’s right pronunciation is ( Mesha’im)

  26. on Saturday 9th of March 2024 01:52:39 AM

    I want to know correct meaning and pronunciation as I heard it is not good name

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