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Kindly tell the meaning of Adeena? On google search its meaning was different at different places. At one place it was written as 'pious, good luck'. At other place its meaning was given as 'Friday'. At other place it was written that its derived from the word 'deen'. Kindly tell is it good to name baby girl Adeena? and is it in Quran? and what is its correct meaning? JazakAllah Khairan!


This is an official answer by Staff

Adeena means "Friday" in Arabic slang, this is not found anywhere in the standard dictionaries.

`Adeena is also the ancient name for the city of Ta'izz in Yemen.

`Adeena is also an ancient word that means the goods that are stored in large jars.

Adeena could also be the plural of deen (religion, creed), thus it would mean "religions, creeds". This is not a standard plural (the standard is diyanaat), and some or most people may consider it wrong.

Both of Adeena and `Adeena (the second one starts with the letter ain, as in alaikumassalam) are extremely rare names in Arabic. But you can use them, and both actually derive form Quranic roots, deen and adan (adan is also the root for the Arabic word for Eden), for this reason they can be considered indirect Quranic names.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Sunday 15th of March 2015 02:32:36 PM

    Please tell the exact one, is this name acceptable in islam

  2. on Sunday 5th of April 2015 12:18:10 PM

    adeena is so cute name and its real meaning is janat me vazu krny ke jaga and my name is also adeena

  3. on Wednesday 16th of September 2015 04:04:31 AM

    hi adeena from where you got this meaning , jannat main wazu krne ke jaga,, you can answer me at

  4. on Tuesday 22nd of September 2015 05:02:35 PM

    Adeena is my baby name i found it mean jannat’s bird

  5. on Thursday 15th of October 2015 10:19:51 AM

    I can’t find out exact meaning of Adeena. its better to discover the the meaning of it from Ulmah e Karam.

  6. on Saturday 7th of November 2015 08:43:35 AM

    Hi my daughters name is Adeena too.
    We had looked up in many names portals and finalized on this one.
    According to that it meant lucky

  7. on Saturday 7th of November 2015 08:45:05 AM

    Important Note
    Please note that cannot guarantee the accuracy of the meanings of names listed on this site. For this reason we would advise you consult a local Imam for verification before deciding to keep a name for your baby.

    Found 2 names sound like ‘Adeena’ in baby names for Girls.
    # Name Meaning
    Pious, good luck
    A narrator of Hadith

  8. on Friday 11th of March 2016 04:12:54 PM

    My name is also adeena nd this name means “Jannati”
    ‘bahist mein rehny wali Jannati’ was written in the book of islamic names nd many Aalm e deen approved this nd it was also suggested Aalm e deen

  9. on Wednesday 9th of November 2016 07:14:07 PM

    It is a hebrew name and old persian name meaning friday.
    my name is adeena, get your facts right

  10. on Tuesday 13th of December 2016 07:04:59 AM

    My name is Adeena and I was told it means Jannath ka qazaana (The treasure of heaven).

  11. on Tuesday 10th of January 2017 12:14:39 PM

    The real meaning of Adeena is living in the heaven .

  12. on Thursday 20th of July 2017 12:20:51 PM

    assalamwalaikum, my name is also adeena in france language friday is known as adeena not in arabic and its meaning is queen of paradise

  13. on Saturday 18th of November 2017 01:05:00 PM

    my nameis also Adeena and meaning is friday,gift of paradise

  14. on Sunday 11th of March 2018 09:39:40 PM


  15. on Friday 29th of June 2018 08:52:48 AM

    My name is Adeena and it’s meaning is living in heaven!

  16. on Thursday 6th of September 2018 09:33:48 AM

    I heard that Adeena is the laqab of Hazrat Bibi Fatima it true?

  17. on Sunday 23rd of September 2018 12:29:52 AM

    my name is adeena and it means “The one who lives in jannah

  18. on Tuesday 27th of November 2018 06:36:20 PM

    My daughter’s name is Adeena and I have checked with the Aalim and he said means “Jannath me rehne waali”. You can also search in Google as Urdu meaning of Adeena and it will show.

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