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We will soon be blessed with a baby boy Inshallah and we are planning to name him "Zayaan" after going through the list on this website. Can you please let us know if this name is also used for girls? Some sites have also listed this name for girls. Please also let us know the correct way to pronounce it. Jazakallah Khair.


This is an official answer by Staff

I expect you are referring to the name on this page: Zayyan. There is no issue with using this for a girl, though it is less common. I have updated the name's page to reflect this.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Saturday 1st of August 2015 06:30:16 AM

    Nope, Doesn’t suit the girl. It looks and seem more appropriate for boys, also, very common when using for boys and least common in girls.

  2. on Monday 7th of September 2015 03:52:39 PM

    Slmz my baby is mohamed has a beautiful meaning

  3. on Wednesday 9th of September 2015 04:39:27 AM

    The Name Zayyan/Zayyaan is one of those names that can be given to a boy or girl, like Rif-at an Roshaan. but for the boy it will be Muhammad Zayyan

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Categories: Baby Name Question and Answer
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