Raziqa is an indirect Quranic name. Is it good to use for a Muslim baby girl?
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Reader Comments:
on Wednesday 18th of February 2015 09:05:54 PM
Although its not an Quranic name but its a very good name originally driven from arabic language it literally means “one who feeds others ” and this name has come from the word Raziq which is another name of Allah which means “the provider” since we know the barqat of names of Allah and due to the proximity between these name this name is good for baby girls and apart from this treason if we consider numerology then this name number is 9 .
Nine Represents Achievement And Completion. It Is Product Of 3 X 3 Make Nine A Powerful Number. Numerology Of Nines Are Achievers, Possessing Bright Ideas, High Ideals And Innate Abilites. They Take The Big Picture Into Consideration With Their Broad Visions, Global And Endeavors. Nine Are Always Looking Gor Ways To Improve On Any Situation Or Project. Submitted by raziqahussain@gmail.com