I’m not muslim, but my best friend is. She recently had a miscarriage and she’s been a mess ever since. I live in new york and shes all the way in lahore. Please pray that God grants her a healthy baby soon, that God fills her life with her children and please pray that in every step of the way she gets closer to Allah. I hope and pray that with this experience, she get closer to Him.
Most Popular Muslim Names in 2025
Categories: Prayer (Dua) Requests
The content on this site does not constitute any type of legal or religious advice. Always consult your local imam or other knowledgeable individuals before making a decision about choosing a baby name.
Reader Comments:
on Monday 17th of February 2014 05:18:56 PM
may Allah SWT easen her pain..and grant her a healthy baby.. in’sha’Allah. she should read surah Khaf.. might help to relieve her a little bit.
on Friday 25th of April 2014 04:11:20 PM