I have chronic fatigue and depression, I have tried various treatments but nothing so far seems to work. Please pray for me.
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Categories: Prayer (Dua) Requests
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Reader Comments:
on Monday 7th of July 2014 06:23:22 AM
I pray God may fill you with the strenght you need! Try to find or weather you have a Candidaovergrowth our not. God bless you my dear.
on Tuesday 9th of February 2016 02:32:22 AM
I am 28yrs old and also suffer from CFS. I would advice you the following based on what is helping me.
i) if you can buy panax ginseng in liquid form Try taking 1teaspoon before bed.
ii) for the pain you experience in CFS try phenocane. I usually have to take 2 capsules in the morning but you may have to vary the dose according to your body requirements and how you feel. This is a natural supplement you can purchase online from amazon. This has helped me a lot for my pain & fatigue.
iii) continue to make lots of duwa & ask Allah to show you in dreams solutions to problems that will help you
I pray that Allah swt grants you health and peace. If you would like to ask anything further you can email me: stellateblue@yahoo.co.uk