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Assalaam alaikum brother/sister!! I am married of four years yet their is no sign of pregnancy. i had a pregnancy at early of marriage and it was ectopic-pregnancy. Please dua for me i really need a child. Mine and my husband’s reports are fine. just prayers need. and also do pray for my exam which is on 06-04-2014 at 10.00 PM. please Muslim brothers/sisters i really need your prayers. Allah bless you all.. Aamin

Reader Comments:

  1. on Wednesday 2nd of April 2014 06:15:30 PM

    Allah will support u. Inshah Allah

  2. on Thursday 3rd of April 2014 11:21:01 AM

    Have faith on Allah after every hardship there is ease (Surah shura)

  3. on Friday 4th of April 2014 10:51:51 PM

    Soon you will be blessed with kid(s). InshahAllah.

  4. on Tuesday 8th of April 2014 07:15:59 PM


  5. on Thursday 10th of April 2014 04:16:05 PM

    May Allah Bless you .. Amen..

  6. on Friday 11th of April 2014 04:47:36 PM

    Insha Allah, you would be blessed with kids very soon…

  7. on Sunday 13th of April 2014 09:11:29 AM

    May Allah Bless You….AMEEN

  8. on Sunday 13th of April 2014 08:29:47 PM


  9. on Monday 14th of April 2014 09:26:26 AM

    Asalam o Alaikum brother i was also goin through this problem..Alhumdulillah after reciting these Ayats Allah S.W.T blessed me with a child and i have shared this with many many of my friend which having d same problem now most of them had d kids by d grace of Allah and they make dua for me…IF BARREN WOMAN FASTS FOR 7 DAYS CONTINOUSLY AND INVOKES YA-MUSAWIR 21 TIMES ON A SWEET AND MAKES IFTARI WITH IT.SHE WILL BE BLESSED WITH A CHILD IN SHA ALLAH ….if some one cud’nt understand this they can contact me on this num 03343392091.. JAZAKALLAH KHAIR

  10. on Monday 14th of April 2014 10:16:18 AM

    Insha Allah You will have children very soon Ameen
    I have been married for 3 years, in early days of marriage my wife did get pregnant few times, but they did not last more than 3 weeks and i was getting upset, but i used to pray and dua every friday to Allah to give me a child and Alhamdulillah by Allah’s grace my wife is 4 month pregnant.
    Keep your faith In Almighty Allah strong, you will be blessed with children really soon sister.

  11. on Sunday 20th of April 2014 11:23:38 AM

    رَبِّ لاَ تَذَرْنِى فَرْداً وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ الْوَرِثِينَ
    This ayat after every farz namaz 3 times and pray.. daily… In Sha Allah Allah tala will grant you with baby.. both husband wife should reciet…
    i will keep you in my prayers aswel.In Sha Allah…

  12. on Tuesday 22nd of April 2014 11:53:36 AM

    Inshaallah May Allah Bless you soon.

  13. on Tuesday 29th of April 2014 02:03:58 PM

    Recite Surah e maryam daily once n pray for a baby inshallah soon you “ll be blessed

  14. on Monday 5th of May 2014 03:11:03 PM

    Assalamualikum Sister…May Allah Fulfill all your wishes…have blind faith in him…after every salah dont forget to say astagfirullah as many times as you can,and than ask for dua.

  15. on Tuesday 6th of May 2014 05:44:51 AM

    Inshaallah May Allah Blees you soon.

  16. on Tuesday 27th of May 2014 08:56:09 AM

    Even we didnt have child for 4 years after marriage. We did HAJ and after one year we got good news and from that day till the delivery of child my wife was reciting Sureh Baqra daily with out fail. Alhumdulila we are blessed by Allah with a very cute and nice baby girl

  17. on Sunday 8th of June 2014 03:21:25 AM

    Assalamualaikum. This situation that you are going through is from Allah. And you should be patient with Allahs decision. This is your testing time from Allah. At the same time dont lose hope. You will get a high place in jannah if you are patient. Jannat is for ever whereas this life is too short. I know of people having pregnancy after nine years of marriage or sometimes more. Is your husband and inlaws troubling you?

  18. on Monday 7th of July 2014 06:00:13 AM

    By the grace of JHWH Almighty I pray for you in the Name of Jesus to be pregnant next time. Thanks and glory be to Him Who deserves it, Creator of heaven and earth.

  19. on Thursday 23rd of October 2014 10:58:27 PM

    Inshallah Allah will help you

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