As Salam Walekum brothers & sisters. I am Khajavali, My wife is pregnant, doctor said, delivery time is just few Days left, expected before April 29th, So we are in very tension. Its our first baby, please Dua daily once in Every Namaz.for her Normal delivery and healthy and Neekh baby, mu wife Name is Zabeena. W/o Sk Khajavali., Jazak.Allah. May Allah Give U all khyir in Duniya and Akkirat.. Ameen.
Most Popular Muslim Names in 2025
Categories: Prayer (Dua) Requests
The content on this site does not constitute any type of legal or religious advice. Always consult your local imam or other knowledgeable individuals before making a decision about choosing a baby name.
Reader Comments:
on Wednesday 2nd of April 2014 04:49:24 PM
Allah zarur madad Kare ga , Allah beshak madad Karne wala hi.
on Thursday 3rd of April 2014 08:43:39 PM
Congrats ,pllz tell sister to Read Suraah Mariyam Daily, Inshah Allah. Allah is known all. Allah will cares all. keep
doing Dua,ziikir. Sadaka will make you more. Confidence and Strong.
on Tuesday 8th of April 2014 04:53:19 PM
on Saturday 12th of April 2014 06:52:27 AM
ALLAH karam kary aur aap ko naik olad ata kary ameen
on Sunday 13th of April 2014 07:20:12 AM
Thanks for praying for my wife. She got deliver safe, operation was done. Anyways alhumdulilla. She got a baby girl. Yesterday .Allah apko jazz khair de.