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I want to take your advice on naming my baby girl. I searched and found quite few good names.

The best 3 names are:

1. Hamda (I choose this because it’s feminine version of Ahmad and have same meaning as Mohammad, according to your website)
2. Urwah
3. Inshirah

From these 3 names the most I like is Hamda. I want to have full name as Hamda Anooshay Malik. Do you think its ok to have it like this? In terms of meaning and shariah.

If not I am interested to have full name as Urwah Ahmad Malik or Inshirah Ahmed Malik.

Please let me know which name combination is best and why? If you think of any better name please suggest.


This is an official answer by Staff
As for your question, All of the names you mentioned are acceptable. The only Islamic requirement is that the names should have a good meaning, and since all of the ones you mentioned are good names, you can choose any of them, such as Hamda Anooshay Malik.
The combinations you mentioned do not create a new meaning together, each name keeps its own independent meaning. This is how it is for most combinations.
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Categories: Baby Name Question and Answer
The content on this site does not constitute any type of legal or religious advice. Always consult your local imam or other knowledgeable individuals before making a decision about choosing a baby name.
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