Zara, Zarah or Zahra

Home Forums Question and Answer Zara, Zarah or Zahra

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anam 1 year, 9 months ago.

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  • #120296 Reply


    Assalam O Alaikum

    Alhumdulillah we have been blessed with e baby girl and its the foremost important thing for the parents to give her a nice name. Unfortunately I am confused
    between Zara and Zahra. I have decided on Zahra but does the pronounciation becomes different to that of Zahra. I know the meaning is different and I want to go with ‘H’ included but the question has now been the pronounciation – in short could it be pronounced as traditional name ZARA or with there be a sound of H necessary?
    Would really appreciate your input.
    JazakAllah Khair

  • #120416 Reply

    Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

    The “h” sound in the middle of a word (as in Zahra) is necessary. But if it is at the end, like Zarah, it can be removed, thus Zarah and Zara are the same name.

  • #156727 Reply

    Ashar Waqar


    What is the meaning of name Zara or Zaara

    Is this Islamic Name, Pls guide

    Ashar Waqar

  • #165407 Reply


    I want to know i heard a name somewhere not sure about the spelling though- its ezahrah ,izara or ezara.. any name that is islamically valid? And if yes please eleborate meaning
    Thank you

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