Ayla/Aiyla meaning in different language

Home Forums Question and Answer Ayla/Aiyla meaning in different language

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  zehur 3 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #120282 Reply


    Hi, I am thinking of naming my daughter Aiyla/Ayla having had a look at the meaning on this site.

    However a Neighbour told me that in their language Malayalam/Tamil (South Indian) it means fish.

    Is this an issue and therefore should be avoided or not?


  • #120412 Reply

    Ayla/Aiyla is a Turkish name and you can use it with the Turkish meaning. It doesn’t make a difference if it means “fish” in another language.

  • #149413 Reply


    Salams Alaykum wr wb,

    I like the girl name Aelia(pronunciation ayleeah).Its similar to Aliya but arabic spelling it started with ‘ALf’ not ‘Aaan’ like Aliya. I was told that it meant ‘Sun’ in Latin. But unfortunately, as a confirmation, I can not find what it really means.

    can you please help?

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