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Assalam aleikum.i kindly wanted to know who uses name azmi (b/g) as we've named our little son after this name.from my knowledge I think its a boy's name but my husband thinks its a girls name hence wants to change the name.I would like to get more explanation of the meaning n everything to do with the above name.thanks in advance.

Also would like to know if there are other names that can be joined with this name if abdulaziz so imean Azmi...?etc. thnks alot n would wait for your response as soon as possible.


This is an official answer by Staff
Azmi is a masculine name that can also be used for girls, but originally it is a masculine word. The feminine version is AzmiahAzmi is the attributive form of Azm, which means "determination", "resolution", "resolve", "strength of will".
An attributive form is similar to the way in English "beauty" becomes "beautiful"; Azm becomes Azmi, thus Azmi means "one who has determination", "one who has strength of will". The word Azm is mentioned five times in the Quran, and Azmi is derived from it, thus Azmi is an indirect Quranic name.
There are no word that can be joined with Azmi to create a new meaning. But if you use Azmi as a second or last name, it becomes a description of the name that comes before it. Thus Muhammad Azmi means "Muhammad, the man who has a strong will".
In addition to this, some people like to use a second name that comes from the same root as the first name, in this case Azmi Azzam or Azzam AzmiAzzam also comes from Azm and has the same meaning as Azmi.
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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 4th of April 2016 08:11:25 AM

    My mother named me Nur Azmi. Does my name means ‘Light, the man who has a strong will’?

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