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Discussions | Page 5

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Published on July 31, 2014

What is the meaning of Bokhtar?

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Bilti?

replies: 0

I want to keep my boy name as aziz tawfeeq. Please let me know is it ok. …Amin

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Bihar?

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Bida?

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Bibiana?

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Beshatarna?

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Beseet?

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Bazaet?

replies: 0
Published on July 29, 2014

What is the meaning of Barna?

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Barinkar?

replies: 0

What is the meaning of Barinda?

replies: 0
Published on July 27, 2014

Does it mean anything if you are born during Ramadan?

replies: 19

What is the meang of Alizay? Plz Tell me

replies: 6

What is the meaning of Madiyah and can I name my baby girl Madiyah?

replies: 3

What is the meaning of Sarvia in Arabic?

replies: 1

salam, i m searching for tow smilar and quranic names for my twin baby boys..can u tell me?eg ...

replies: 95

What is the meaning of Huda Fatima?

replies: 3

What is the meaning of Ansiba?

replies: 14

Assalam u Alaikum warahmatullah e wabarakah Please tell me the Meaning of hayazea

replies: 0
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