Short meaning of Dariya | Smart, Creative and Innovative See below for detailed meaning |
How to pronounce Dariya | DAzzle + RIpple + YUmmy Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable. |
Arabic Spelling (How to write Dariya in Arabic) | دارية |
Quranic Nature (Learn more...) | Indirectly Mentioned |
Alternate spellings of Dariya | Dariyah Darea Daria Daariyah Daaria Dariyyeh Dariyyah Dareieh Dareeah Dareyeh Dareyah Dareyyeh Dareyyah Daryeh All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling. |
Quranic Root (Learn more...) | D-R-Y |
Meaning of Dariya
Dariya is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means good-mannered, lady-like, intelligent, perceptive. It is derived from the D-R-Y root (to understand, to perceive, to treat well) which is used in many places in the Quran.
Say: ‘Had Allah willed, I would not have recited it to you, nor would He have made it known to you. I lived among you all my life before it (was sent down). Will you not understand? (Quran 10:16)
The Happening. What is the Happening? And what could possibly enable you to comprehend what the Happening is? (Quran 69:1-3)
What could possibly enable you to comprehend what Illiyeen (the best place in Paradise) is? (83:19)
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on Thursday 6th of February 2025 12:10:41 AM