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Can u please let me know the meaning of subhan in details.


This is an official answer by Staff

Subhan is one of the special words in Islam used for proclaiming the glory, purity and supremacy of Allah. Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, when he was asked about the meaning of Subhan said: "It is a attribute that Allah has used to describe Himself with," and he didn't say anything more.

When you say Subhan Allah, it means Allah is pure from all defects, flaws, faults and shortcomings, that He is perfect and has all the good attributes and is the source for all good in existence, and separate and opposite of everything that's negative and evil.

The most basic meaning of Subhan is purity from flaws. There is no clear Islamic prohibition on the use of Subhan as a name, but most scholars do not like it to be used as a name and recommend against it, and some scholars say it is not permissible. It is best to keep away from such words since there are so many other good names.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 9th of February 2016 01:03:08 PM

    it is a lovely name though i have to say. its very beautiful

  2. on Tuesday 16th of February 2016 03:26:17 PM

    It’s a lovely name but why are we not aloud to use it as a name?

  3. on Saturday 15th of July 2017 09:58:47 PM

    It is attributed to Allah swt and one must be very careful not to attributed it to someone else and that is falsehood as the only one worthy of worship is Allah, your Lord and my Lord. 🙂

  4. on Sunday 1st of October 2017 09:25:35 AM

    Subhan is a beautiful name, very fit for a boy or a girl. With all glory to God.

  5. on Saturday 20th of January 2018 10:02:02 PM

    Would it be haram to wear a shirt with a design that said subhan?

  6. on Tuesday 19th of June 2018 12:03:36 PM

    All babies are born perfect – Subhan. They are in the image of the greater Subhan. Corrupt priests and politicians cannot be called Subhan though. Giving advice when they have no contact with God, only with Ego.

  7. on Thursday 11th of October 2018 11:47:14 AM

    ehat if i put my son’s name Subhan? i like this name alot

  8. on Wednesday 25th of August 2021 07:19:28 AM

    If Some one of knoweldge advices you and openly says it’s not a good name for us to use. We hear and we obey why have 1000 questions .. so many other names .

  9. on Tuesday 7th of September 2021 10:49:05 PM

    Salam, I’m quite sad reading this, as I have waited a long time to name my son Subhan. Just a week ago I had been raving on with excitement to my family and friends, about naming my son Subhan, and how much I love the name, but days later, I was randomly recommended a video on YouTube which said “Is Subhan a good name?” By Assim Al Hakeem, at first I was surprised and happy to see the title, as I watched, he went on to say in the short clip (to the questioner) “Subhan, you should change your name, as it is not a good name!” My heart broke and I had then done some research into why. Now, after reading your post, I understand why. Allah definitely sent that video as guidance for me, Alhamdulillah, but I am definitely very sad as I had fallen in love with this name many years ago, however, Allah swt knows best and only He swt should be glorified. Alhamdulillah I am happy to have been shown all of this by Allah before I made the mistake, and I know Allah swt has definitely written a great and meaningful name for my son, may Allah guide us to what is best and good for us, Ameen, Jazak’Allahu Khairun for your beautiful explanation.

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