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Assalamualaikum, I'm muslim women. I have a baby boy and my husband choose a name Shabaka which is Egyptian origin and it's meaning: name of a king. So whould u please tell me is it right in islam to keep this name. Thank you


This is an official answer by Staff

Shabaka, pronounced [(SH)op + r(U)n] + [(BA)nd] + [(CA)t], is the name of an Egyptian pharaoh that seems to mean "beautiful". His full name is Shabaka Neferkare, which means 'Beautiful is the Soul of Re', Re being an Egyptian pagan god.

The name of the god Re is part of the second name Neferkare, thus Shabaka itself may not have a pagan meaning in it. But I cannot fully verify this.

If Shabaka just means "beautiful", then it can be used as a name, though it is not a good thing to use the name of someone who claimed to be a god himself and worshiped false gods. If you use it only for its meaning, then it is acceptable. But if you use it after the Egyptian king's name, then that may make it a forbidden name.

Thus if someone asks you what the name means, if you say "it is ancient Egyptian for 'beautiful'", then it is acceptable, but if you say "it is the name of an Egyptian king", then this may make it a forbidden name.

Please consult your local imam or other knowledgeable individuals about this name, or ask  your husband to do so, to make sure that you and your husband will not regret choosing it for your son.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Monday 12th of July 2021 03:15:42 AM

    I dont know about the meaning of sha wich also shows up in shebtiku and shoshenq but the baka mean two parts of the ancient egyptian soul nefer means beautiful and or perfect dont know what you think but acceptable names wich dont mention pagan gods include sneferu wich means he has perfected me khufu with out the khnum portion means only protects me huni means the smiter unas means he who truly exists teti means of true greatness intef means his father brought him neferhotep means beaultiful and peaceful dedumose the one whose birth has ben granted nebiryraw means the possessor of all
    Pami means the cat pimay means the lion hagar means the arab

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