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Can I name my baby boy Abraham or Abram

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Tuesday 9th of February 2016 10:13:14 PM

    The person who appoints Abraham with the name “Abram” violates a ban on Torah for it is written: “Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham” Gen 17: 5. The renaming of Abraham, indicates the elevation of Abraham to exalted father to father of a multitude of nations, appointing Abraham by his original name is reduce his honor. (Talmud B. Berajot 13 a)

    I think that giving a child the name of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) corresponds to the above, is a a great honor for him. Abram is a particular name, but Abraham/Ibrahim reminds us more of a great Muslim. Salam.

  2. on Thursday 11th of May 2017 08:13:32 AM

    can I use abraham according to arabic? I want to use it for my son. I want the name of my son is abraham.

  3. on Monday 11th of June 2018 06:55:04 PM

    I want to use my abrham as my sons name cab i do that and i am a muslim

  4. on Monday 26th of April 2021 01:16:29 AM

    Can Moslems use Moses for Musa? I studied in an Islamic Uni and this Uni translates Prophets name from Arabic to English. That’s how I found my son’s name—Moses. So, can Moslems use Moses instead of Musa?

  5. on Friday 18th of February 2022 11:48:54 AM

    Can a muslim name his son Abraham insteadn of Ibrahim.

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