How to pronounce Amber | Persian pronunciation: Up + Moon + BUt + pRay English pronunciation: After + Moon + BUt + pRay Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable. |
This is NOT a Quranic name, but Muslims can use it since it has a good or neutral meaning.
Meaning of Amber
Amber is a Persian name for girls that means “ambergris”, a fragrant material extracted from a type of whale. Amber is also an English word referring to a precious material used in jewelry making, which is made up of fossilized tree resin. Both the Persian and the English names are originally derived from the Arabic word Anbar, which has the meaning of “ambergris” like the Persian name.
Reader Comments:
on Monday 4th of April 2016 03:34:20 AM
amber another cute name here again I want all girls no boys allowed for me.
on Monday 17th of October 2016 08:20:11 PM
Ambar is also a different way to spell it, especially for girls it is pronounced the same way with the same meaning and an added meaning of heaven
on Saturday 10th of December 2016 05:03:49 PM
in hindi Amber means sky and my name is amber and im a boy.
on Wednesday 22nd of May 2019 07:45:20 PM
Princess Amber is the name of my little princess and I just love her an absaloute ton
Being a first time mother is just amazing
on Saturday 16th of May 2020 12:26:37 PM
I named my daughter Amber because my mother picked the name for randomly but now I’m not sure if it’s really a Muslim.
on Wednesday 17th of June 2020 11:53:00 AM
Amber is beautiful but is the middle name of my little star
Iylia Amber Awan
on Sunday 3rd of January 2021 05:20:45 PM
My name is Ambreen(عمبيرن) . This is said to have Arabic origins meaning Amber. The name Anbreen (عنبرين) means Ambergris in Arabic. They are two different names.
on Thursday 6th of February 2025 06:31:11 PM