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What is the meaning of the name Shees…it is the name of prophet Adam a.s’s son


This is an official answer by Staff

Sheeth, in English spelled Seth, is the name of Prophet Adam's third son, who is one of the prophets of the Sabians, a rightly guided religious group whose last prophet is Prophet Yahya, and who are mentioned in the Quran as good believers who will enter Paradise.

Sheeth/Shees is said in the Bible to mean "gift from Allah", because he was given to Prophet Adam after his son Habeel (Abel) was killed.

The name Shees is not mentioned in the Quran and does not appear to be mentioned in any authentic Islamic sources, for this reason it is not an Islamic name. But since it has a good meaning and it comes from the Sabians, Muslims can use it, though some scholars may not recommend it since it belongs to another religion, when we Muslims have enough good Islamic names to use for our children.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Friday 24th of April 2015 07:53:28 PM

    Is there any difference in Jewish bible and cristion bible?

  2. on Sunday 10th of May 2015 10:14:54 PM

    Wait wait wait, you’re telling me that this name is not recommended because it is in other religions, correct me if im wrong but Abraham/Ibraheem, Musa/Moses etc

  3. on Sunday 2nd of August 2015 08:06:00 AM

    Yes, you’re right. This name is mentioned only in the weak narrations from the Prophet (PBUH) [Sahih ibn Hibban, Hilyah al-Awliya, Majma al-Zawa’id]. All of them are extremely weak (dha’if jidda). Therefore, we cannot say for sure that there was a Prophet with this name. But it appears in the Arabic version of the Bible (Book of Genesis). But it’s a really good name and there is nothing wrong, in my opinion, to name our babies, since everything need not have an Islamic origin for us to have.

    Shees Hassan

  4. on Tuesday 22nd of December 2015 03:46:58 PM

    In my understanding criteria of naming to a baby is not “Qur’an” because there is also mentioned, “Lahab” which was a enemy leader of our Beloved (SAW), moreover there are names by tonnes in our glorious history which were not derived from “Glorious Qur’an” like: Umar, Usman, etc. but it is also suggested (or you can safely say ordered) by our Beloved (SAW) name the baby which meaning is (i) good, (ii) no resemblance with any pagan or non believer’s faith. so that’s why my younger brother’s name is Shees. if any brother found any mistake in my believes he or she can correct me.

    Now want to discuss about comments:

    1 – Is there any difference in Jewish bible and cristion bible?
    my Ans: Bible have 2 main parts “Old testament” and “New testament”. “Old Testament” is consisted of 27 books these all are common between Christians and Jews. But Jews don’t believe in “New testament” even a single word.

    2 – Wait wait wait, you’re telling me that this name is not recommended because it is in other religions, correct me if im wrong but Abraham/Ibraheem, Musa/Moses etc

    my Ans: Ibraheem Musa etc are mentioned in Qur’an.

  5. on Wednesday 2nd of March 2016 07:10:59 PM

    Shees meaning adam from gift allah adam is three sons is shees

  6. on Wednesday 13th of December 2017 06:04:49 PM

    assalam o alaikum, tell me name according months…. which with goood meaning…

  7. on Monday 5th of March 2018 07:06:25 PM

    My name is Also Sayed shees qadri. iam a sayed my father had chosed that name for me

  8. on Sunday 26th of August 2018 08:27:18 PM

    My name is also Shees. My full name is Syed Muhammad Shees Qadri. And it is a very good name

  9. on Saturday 2nd of January 2021 12:17:40 PM

    My full name is Shees Rehman. And I never met another Shees name’s boy in my 20 years of life.

  10. on Wednesday 12th of May 2021 07:46:24 AM

    Hai name is also SHEES the meaning of shees is ‘gift from Allah’ of love to Allah

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