Short meaning of Qasim | Beautiful and Radiant | Generous See below for detailed meaning |
How to pronounce Qasim | IraQ + mAn + SIMple Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable. |
Arabic Spelling (How to write Qasim in Arabic) | قَاسِم |
Quranic Nature (Learn more...) | Indirectly Mentioned |
Alternate spellings of Qasim | Kasim Qaasim Kaasim Qasem Kasem Qaasem Kaasem Qesiym Qesem Qeseym Qesim Qasiym Qasem Qaseym Kasim All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling. |
Quranic Root (Learn more...) | Q-S-M All Quranic baby names derived from Q-S-M: |
Meaning of Qasim
Qasim is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “one who shares/distributes something among people”, “giver”, “generous”, “handsome”. It was the name of one of the sons of Prophet Muhammad, and from it comes one of the famous nicknames of the Prophet: Abul Qasim (“father of Qasim”), peace and blessings of Allah upon him and his family and companions. Qasim is derived from the Q-S-M root which is used in many places in the Quran.
But is it they who distribute thy Sustainer’s grace? [Nay, as] it is We who distribute their means of livelihood among them in the life of this world, and raise some of them by degrees above others, to the end that they might avail themselves of one another’s help – [so, too, it is We who bestow gifts of the spirit upon whomever We will]: and this thy Sustainer’s grace is better than all [the worldly wealth] that they may amass. (Quran 43:32)
Reader Comments:
on Monday 6th of July 2015 05:45:20 PM
MY name is QASIM and lovely website.Thanks for everything you written and I RATE it 5 Percent.
on Sunday 24th of July 2016 04:39:13 AM
My name is Kasim. Thanks for everything you written and I RATE it 5 Star.
on Monday 20th of February 2017 10:10:32 AM
My name is KAZEEM (another alternative spelling of QASIM) i really appreciate and i rated this %100
on Thursday 14th of September 2017 12:05:09 AM
Hi just wondering is that the same meaning Kasim and Qasim?
on Saturday 31st of March 2018 11:50:11 AM
I really enjoy everything written on the meaning of the Arabic name Alkasim, now i understand the root of some of the qualities i have as some one who answered Alkasim. Thanks
on Saturday 15th of December 2018 06:04:51 AM
The yorubas mostly spell it KAZEEM and sometime KASIM. To me , it’s just tongue issue and how we pronounciation.
on Sunday 4th of August 2019 05:17:55 PM
my son name is qozeem and am happy dat my peare qozeem
on Thursday 7th of October 2021 09:31:52 PM
I’m Qasim
I’m Proud
My Name is Very Humble
I Love My Name
on Wednesday 20th of October 2021 07:16:30 AM
Qasim, Kasim and Alkasim is what I bear as my name and I’m proud if that. One of the most loved nickname to prophet Muhammad himself is Abul- Qasim (Father of Qasim)
on Wednesday 4th of May 2022 11:19:07 PM
Asalam alaikum my nane is Kassim. May Allah reward my parents withJannah for giving me such a wonderful name Ameen
on Tuesday 31st of May 2022 08:29:24 PM
I’m proud of my name given to me by my parents “QOZEEM”
on Thursday 6th of February 2025 12:58:25 AM