How to pronounce Yusriya | Yolk + pUt + Sit + pRay swEEt + YUmmy Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable. |
Arabic Spelling (How to write Yusriya in Arabic) | يُسْرِيَّة |
Quranic Nature (Learn more...) | Indirectly Mentioned |
Alternate spellings of Yusriya | Yusriyyah Yusriyah Yusriah Yusriyya Yusria Yousriyya Yusreya Yosreya Yusreyya Yusrea Yosrea Eusria Eusriyya Yosreie Yosreia All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling. |
Quranic Root (Learn more...) | Y-S-R All Quranic baby names derived from Y-S-R: |
Meaning of Yusriya
Yusriya is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “rich”, “needless”, “in ease”. It is derived from the Y-S-R root which is used in many places in the Quran.
But as for him who believes and does righteous deeds – he will have the ultimate good [of the life to come] as his reward; and [as for us,] we shall make binding on him [only] that which is easy to fulfill.” (Quran 18:88)
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on Thursday 6th of February 2025 01:35:55 AM