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A Quranic Name for Boys

How to pronounce Keyan

KIss + YArd + Name

Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable.
Arabic Spelling (How to write Keyan in Arabic)كِيان
Quranic Nature
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Indirectly Mentioned
Alternate spellings of KeyanKiyan Kian Kyan Keian Keyyane Keyyan Keyyaan Keyane Keyan Keyaane Keyaane Keyaan Keyyane Keyyan Keyyaan
All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling.
Quranic Root
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All Quranic baby names derived from K-W-N:

Meaning of Keyan

Keyan is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “being”, “existence”, “essence”. It is derived from the K-W-N (existence, being, was) root, which is one of the most common roots of the Arabic language, used over 800 times in the Quran:

Mankind was only one community, but then they differed, and had it not been for a prior word from your Lord, their differences would have been settled for them. (Quran 10:19)

We said “O fire, be cool and safe for Ibrahim.” (Quran 21:69)

Additionally, Keyan (also pronounced Kayaan) is an ancient Farsi name that means powerful king, unrelated to the Quranic word.

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Reader Comments:

  1. on Wednesday 17th of December 2014 07:38:45 AM

    Sir, I am a muslim and my name is Keyan. Why wouldnt you be allowed to name your son Keyan? Its an indirect Quraniq name, you should feel proud about naming your son this powerful name.

  2. on Monday 12th of January 2015 09:38:31 AM

    Is it persian or arabic?? As I want to name my son

  3. on Tuesday 10th of February 2015 01:38:06 PM

    I am muslim and my wife is expecting a baby boy and we would like to name him Keyan.

  4. on Tuesday 10th of February 2015 06:09:51 PM

    it is a turkish name and it means: padisah, pasa, conquerer

  5. on Sunday 17th of May 2015 09:39:52 PM

    Our son is born in january 2015. We give him the name Keyan. We live in europe, my husband is muslim. We think Keyan is a modern name with a nice meaning “powerful king”. Most people around us never heard the name before but i think they like the name!

  6. on Monday 16th of May 2016 10:26:16 AM

    Keyan is not arabic it is a persian name means kings

  7. on Monday 16th of May 2016 10:28:49 AM

    Please correct it .keyan is persian and an ancient name in iran

  8. on Monday 16th of May 2016 10:35:57 AM

    Keyan is not arabic and it has not used in quoran it is a persian name means kings .please correct it .

  9. on Sunday 22nd of October 2017 10:23:19 AM

    shutup illiterate people you dont know anything about names

  10. on Sunday 22nd of October 2017 10:23:51 AM

    dumb piece of craps………………………….

  11. on Monday 17th of June 2019 02:09:22 PM

    keyan or Kayani, keeanee, Kean, are the names of the people who lived as one community as Persians, under the Kayanian dynasty. Keyan is a variation of the Gaelic name Kiyan, meaning “God is gracious”. The names are in turn a variant of Ewan, from John, which means they all share the same meaning. Some apply the name to the Caananites. Kenan used for Israel.

  12. on Thursday 11th of June 2020 12:28:26 AM

    Keyan is both Arabic and Persian. Great Quranic name.

  13. on Thursday 18th of June 2020 01:11:03 PM

    Keyan is derived from the word “kun,” which means “be.” It is a beautiful Arabic name.

  14. on Thursday 13th of August 2020 02:34:10 PM

    i really need to know its quranic name or not.
    im finding a name boy and girl. please explain it.
    thank you

  15. on Wednesday 26th of August 2020 02:16:06 PM

    Keyan is great Quranic and Arabic name. Strong and powerful with good meaning. Thank you for explaining it here

  16. on Saturday 5th of June 2021 11:41:56 PM

    You little shits shut up what do pakis know about Arabic names or religious names anyways

  17. on Saturday 5th of June 2021 11:42:30 PM










  18. on Sunday 6th of February 2022 07:29:57 PM

    Keyan is a strong excellent name. Derived from Kun Faya Kun, mashAllah what a beautiful name

  19. on Tuesday 22nd of February 2022 11:58:18 AM

    I am from pakistan and my wife is expecting a baby boy and we would like to name him Keyan.

  20. on Saturday 23rd of December 2023 05:19:27 PM

    whoever wrote that qoute up there can give me there adress so i can come and beaat them up

  21. on Tuesday 2nd of January 2024 03:17:21 AM

    Good information shared thank you all.
    My new born baby boy name is Keyan Khan I from India.(Muzeebkhan)

  22. on Saturday 17th of February 2024 07:32:19 PM

    I am expecting to name my son “Keyan Adam” Insha Allah

  23. on Thursday 6th of February 2025 12:35:40 AM


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Categories: All Baby Names Starting With K | All Muslim Baby Names | Arabic Baby Names | Islamic (Quranic) Boy Names Starting With K | K-W-N | Muslim Boy Names - Boy Names from the Quran | Quranic Names by Root
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