A Quranic Name for Boys
Rekiym is variant of Raqeem and has the exact same meaning and pronunciation (see below for full meaning). You can use either Rekiym or Raqeem, both are correct and acceptable. If you like this variant more and you'd like to pronounce it the way it is spelled (different than the original name), this is perfectly acceptable. For more details please see the main entry at: Raqeem.
Full Meaning of Rekiym
Rekiym is used in the Quran in Suratul Kahf:
Do you think that the Men of the Cave and raqeem were one of Our wondrous signs? (Quran 18:9)
The Arabic linguists and the Quran scholars aren’t decided what this word means exactly. It has five possible meanings that are mentioned by the scholars:
- A tablet on which the names of the Men of the Cave (mentioned in Surat al-Kahf) was written.
- The word that was used by the Romans for inkwell.
- The town that the men were from.
- The valley that contained the cave
- Book or manuscript
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Categories: Variants of Islamic Names
The content on this site does not constitute any type of legal or religious advice. Always consult your local imam or other knowledgeable individuals before making a decision about choosing a baby name.
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