A Quranic Name for Boys
Meaning: Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God
Taibbe is variant of Taib and has the exact same meaning and pronunciation (see below for full meaning). You can use either Taibbe or Taib, both are correct and acceptable. If you like this variant more and you'd like to pronounce it the way it is spelled (different than the original name), this is perfectly acceptable. For more details please see the main entry at: Taib.
Full Meaning of Taibbe
Taibbe is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “one who always repents to Allah”. It is derived from the T-W-B root which is used in many places in the Quran.
[The believers are] those who turn to God in repentance; who worship and praise Him; who go about in the land serving His cause, who bow down, who prostrate themselves, who enjoin good and forbid evil, and who observe the limits set by God. Give good news to the believers! (Quran 9:112)
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