Short meaning of Iman | Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God See below for detailed meaning |
How to pronounce Iman | EAst + sMArt + Name Each block is a syllable. Thick black border indicates stress/emphasis. Other pronunciations are acceptable. |
Arabic Spelling (How to write Iman in Arabic) | إيمان |
Quranic Nature (Learn more...) | Directly Mentioned |
Alternate spellings of Iman | Imaan Eiman Eyman Eemaan Imanne Emane Eman Emaane Emaan Eymane Eyman Eymaan Eimane Eiman Eimaan All of the above spellings are acceptable for this name. You may also create your own spelling. |
Quranic Root (Learn more...) | A-M-N All Quranic baby names derived from A-M-N: |
Meaning of Iman
Iman is one of the highest status Quranic names for girls and one of the central concepts of Islam. It is mentioned directly dozens of times in the Quran. Iman means faith in Allah. It means to accept the truth of Islam in the heart. Some examples of Quranic mentions:
And [so,] when the believers saw the Confederates [advancing against them], they said, “This is what God and His Apostle have promised us!”- and, “Truly spoke God and His Apostle!” and all this but increased their faith and their readiness to surrender themselves unto God. (Quran 33:22 – Surat al-Ahzab)
And thus, too, [O Muhammad,] have We revealed unto thee a life-giving message, [coming] at Our behest. [Ere this message came unto thee,] thou didst not know what revelation is, nor what faith [implies]: but [now] We have caused this [message] to be a light, whereby We guide whom We will of Our servants: and, verily, [on the strength thereof] thou, too, shalt guide [men] onto the straight way. (Quran 42:52 – Surat ash-Shura)
Reader Comments:
on Sunday 25th of February 2018 09:50:34 AM
can we keep Iman as girls name in islam,i heard its not suggested
on Saturday 5th of May 2018 01:11:06 PM
Saudi Arabia banned that Name whereas IFTA fatwas (from saudi arabia) authorizes it. So confused
on Saturday 2nd of June 2018 08:03:21 AM
I do not think, the name iman is strictly for girls. Even from the usage of the word in the qurian, it is rather unisex
on Friday 9th of November 2018 08:28:43 AM
Why is this name not recommended? I named my daughter Eman.
on Wednesday 8th of January 2020 12:31:38 AM
Iman is a beautiful name for girls and may be used for boys in some regions. There is no reason you cannot keep this name. Not sure who is advising that you cannot keep this name.
on Saturday 24th of July 2021 08:22:55 PM
Please I really want to know if I can name my male child Iman.
on Saturday 4th of September 2021 12:53:45 PM
My baby’s name is Iman. She is almost three years old. She is kind, caring, beautiful, has a great imagination, brave and creative, just like her sister Amina, MashaAllah.
on Saturday 30th of October 2021 07:55:44 PM
I have heard emaan name is makrooh in islam. Can please someone comment on this since I have named my baby girl emaan and I dont want to change that!!
on Thursday 6th of February 2025 12:27:33 AM