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Salam Alaykum, brothers and sisters. A Muslim sister of ours have been in a car accident, and is now fighting for her life, she’s currently in a coma. Please make dua for her all you can. May Allah give her the strength she needs to open her eyes. Ameen.

Reader Comments:

  1. on Wednesday 19th of February 2014 03:48:08 PM

    may Allah give her shifah insha’allah keep her in health ameeeen.

  2. on Friday 7th of March 2014 03:13:25 PM

    Wa Alaikumussalam. May Allah give her Strength back. Ameen.

  3. on Tuesday 25th of March 2014 09:58:36 PM

    Allah Asaan Kare. . and please give a big amount of Sadhka. (Sadhka will solve all problems in front, even health and property, away from all bad sign like shaitaan etc)

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