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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Fazzan 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #106825 Reply

    Jannatun nesa

    What is the meaning of “Oria” and “Fazan”

  • #106863 Reply

    Oria is a Hebrew name that means “flame of God”, it was the name of a Hittite man who joined the Hebrews and became the leader of Prophet Dawood (David)’s army. It is an acceptable name for Muslims since it has a good meaning. It can also be written as Orya, Oryaa, Orea, and others.

    We have not seen any names like Fazan. It can be a non-standard variant of Fawzan, which is an Arabic name that means “winner”.

  • #124053 Reply


    Kindly provide me a detail of name FAZZAN
    I want to give said name to my new born baby boy.

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