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My question concerns the name Anya. I've come across a website that says it has a negative connotation to it, meaning boiling spring. It could also mean gracious.

I really like the name, but I'm not sure how much credence to give to this website. Any guidance would be much appreciated.


This is an official answer by Staff
Anya can be derived from two roots: A-N-A ("to reach maturity") and AIN-W-N ("to help", "to care for"). Anya can refer to three completely different Arabic names, two of which come from the A-N-A root and one from AIN-W-N:
The first one from the A-N-A root means "something that has reached full maturity", and in the Quran it is used to mean that the water in that spring has reached full boiling temperature. This is not necessarily a bad meaning, though the only use of this word in the Quran is in a negative context in 88:5 referring to a boiling fountain.
The second one from the A-N-A root means "container", anything like a bowl or cup or basket that can be used to hold other materials.
The third word from the AIN-W-N root means "girl/woman who takes care of others". This is an indirect Quranic name, meaning that it is not used directly in the Quran but it is derived from a root that is used in the Quran. You can read more about it here, on our site the name is spelling as Aniyah, but you are free how you spell it:
Therefore you can use Anya with the third meaning of you want to be sure that it has a good meaning.


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